Tag: Whitney Houston

From Whitney Houston to Obergefell: Clarence Thomas on Human Dignity

Jane Mayer and Jill Abramson, Strange Justice: The Selling of Clarence Thomas: What she remembered most vividly, however, was the way [Clarence] Thomas woke up each morning. He had a theme song which he would play at high volume in his room at the start of every day, “kind of like a mantra.” “What’s that?” she remembered asking [Gil] Hardy [Clarence Thomas’s roommate] when she was first rocked out of bed by it at an early hour. “Oh, that’s just Clarence,” Hardy replied with a laugh. “It’s his theme song.” The song, “The Greatest Love of All,” was a pop anthem celebrating self-love rereleased by Whitney Houston. Clarence Thomas, My Grandfather’s Son: I’d heard the song many times, but it had […]