The Politics of Fear is Dead. The Politics of Fear is alive and well.
Some bits and bobs for the holiday weekend… 1. Against my better inclinations, I’ve written a short piece on the 10th anniversary of 9/11. It’s in the journal Democracy, along with reflections from Orlando Patterson, Michael Kazin, Avishai Margalit, and other smart people. My conclusion? The politics of fear is dead; the politics of fear is alive and well. Or, as Ed Tufte, a professor of mine at Yale, used to say: Some do, some don’t. 2. On this Labor Day weekend, it’s useful to remember that virtually nothing about the economy that we’re talking about these days is new. Thanks to Roseanne for the reminder! 3. Speaking of comedy from days gone by, Dennis Perrin, a FB friend […]
- Categories Economies, Foreign Policy, Political Theory