From the Department of You Just Can’t Make This Shit Up
The Brooklyn College Excelsior reports:
Author, civil rights lawyer, and political commentator Alan Dershowitz spoke at an event Wednesday evening in the Woody Tanger Auditorium on academics and the Israel-Palestine conflict, and criticized campus departments that sponsored controversial events that he said were one-sided.
The Brooklyn College Israel Club hosted the event, entitled “Israel-Palestine: The Case for Nuance.” The Brooklyn College Department of Political Science, along with the Tanger Hillel at Brooklyn College, three other academic departments, and other groups all sponsored the event.
“I objected to the fact that several Brooklyn College departments sponsored anti-Israel events,” Dershowitz said in an interview with The Excelsior after the event. “Any department should not sponsor controversial speakers unless they are prepared to sponsor both sides.”
Got that? At an event co-sponsored by four academic departments, where he is the only speaker, Alan Dershowitz complains that academic departments are sponsoring events that are one-sided.
Alan Dershowitz is incapable of listening to anyone. Including, apparently, himself.